If you work solo: creating freelance projects, developing your personal brand, offering consultations, blogging, or engaging in other valuable activities — share your business with our audience.
up to 500 characters,
up to 2 links and 5 emojis,
The post can be accompanied by an image (jpg 16:9), a GIF, or a video (up to 30 MB).
The final decision on publishing the post under this service is made by the commercial department.
200 USD
per post on Facebook, Twitter
600 USD
per post on Telegram
Standard advertising post
Standard advertising post in the Telegram channel with an audience of 19,000+. Post with text from the client, marked "promo".
Post up to 1000 characters pinned for 24 hours in the channel profile header
Post can contain 1 picture or gif, video, and 3 links
If you work solo: creating freelance projects, developing your personal brand, offering consultations, blogging, or engaging in other valuable activities — share your business with our audience.
up to 500 characters,
up to 2 links and 5 emojis,
The post can be accompanied by an image (jpg 16:9), a GIF, or a video (up to 30 MB).
The final decision on publishing the post under this service is made by the commercial department.
60 USD
250 pln
Job Advertisement
A short message in our Telegram channel featuring job openings in your company.
Highlight the most important details about the position: responsibilities, expectations, opportunities, benefits, and more.
Advertise a single job posting for just 250 PLN.
A post featuring three job openings costs 500 PLN.
In an event announcement post, you can share what attendees can expect from your event.
The event format doesn’t matter—post news about your meetups, business brunches, or kids’ parties. Include all the key details, from the program to pricing, in a short message on our channel.
On one page, we have gathered (and continue to add) useful materials about life in Poland. How to legalize your stay, pay taxes, bring your pet, open a business, where to go, and how to find a good doctor, which city to choose for living, and much more. Instructions, analyses, and personal experiences.